Liquid Feed Supplements for Pasture Cattle

Double S Liquid Feed Services offers molasses-based free-choice lick tank products that will bring convenience and cost savings to your operation. Our products are specifically formulated to provide beef cows and stocker calves with ruminal degradable protein and readily fermentable sugars that when combined will help boost your animals to the next level.

Dairy Feed

Free-Choice Liquid Supplements

Double S liquid feed supplements can be used in a variety of ways and for a wide range of operations.

Emerald 33%

Formulated to provide supplemental crude protein and readily available sugar

  • 33% Crude Protein
  • Vitamin and Minerals
  • Phosphoric Acid to aid in limiting consumption

Emerald 40%

Formulated to provide supplemental crude protein and readily available sugar

  • 40% Crude Protein
  • Vitamin and Minerals
  • Phosphoric Acid to aid in limiting consumption

Pro Energy

A product line based on liquid feed solubles from the corn dry milling process and formulated to provide supplemental crude protein and crude fat, Pro Energy products are suitable for a wide range of cattle types; 300-pound calves to brood cows.

  • 16%, 18%, 20% natural plant protein only that is highly rumen degradable
  • 3% crude fat from vegetable sources
  • Vitamins ADE package
  • Enzyme and Probiotic package

Frequently Asked Questions

A. Consumption rates will vary depending on the current diet (forage quality and availability), stage of production, weather conditions, and age of cattle. Once cattle are accustomed to the lick tank, intakes among the herd will become more consistent, but can vary depending on the time of year. For example, intakes can range from a couple tenths of a pound/head/day in the summer to potentially 2 pounds/head/day in winter. Our products do contain a small percentage of phosphoric acid to aid in reducing over consumption.
A. Protein, specifically rumen degradable protein (RDP), is typically the first limiting nutrient in many forage diets. RDP provides protein for microbial growth and reproduction, which in turn increases fiber degradation. As the microbial population grows, it can break down and utilize more forage resulting in increased intakes.

Support Information

  • Kalmbacher, R. S., W. F. Brown, F. M. Pate. 1995. Effect of molasses-based liquid supplements on digestibility of creeping bluestem and performance of mature cows on winter range. J. Ani. Sci. 73:853-860.
  • Earley, A. V., B. F. Sowell, J. G.P. Bowman. 1999. Liquid supplementation of grazing cows and calves. Ani. Feed Sci. Tech. 80:281-296.


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