Liquid Feed Supplements for Dairy Rations

An excellent source of rumen available carbohydrates (sugar) and protein, liquid feed supplements stimulate rumen function, reduce TMR sorting, increase feed intake and improve fiber digestibility in all stages of production. In lactating cow rations, liquid feed supplements provide additional sugar that leads to an increase in dry matter intake and ultimately milk yield. Feeding liquid feed supplements to dry cows administers essential vitamins and minerals that aid in preventing metabolic disorders associated with calving. Including molasses in starter calf diets increases palatability, reduces particle separation and enhances rumen development. Overall, liquid feeds are an excellent feed source in dairy diets for all stages of production.

Dairy Feed

TMR Dairy Liquid Feed Products

Double S dairy liquid feed supplements are designed to provide supplemental sugar to use in TMR diets.

Dairy 38

  • 38% sugar to provide the rumen with rapidly fermentable carbohydrates
  • Natural plant protein that is highly degradable in the rumen

Dairy 42

  • 42% sugar to provide the rumen with rapidly fermentable carbohydrates
  • Natural plant protein that is highly degradable in the rumen

TMR Silver

  • 30% sugar to provide the rumen with rapidly fermentable carbohydrates
  • 7% natural plant protein that is highly degradable in the rumen

TMR Platinum

  • 30% sugar to provide the rumen with rapidly fermentable carbohydrates
  • 5% NPN and natural plant protein that are rapidly rumen degradable

TMR 15

  • 36% sugar to provide the rumen with rapidly fermentable carbohydrates
  • 15% NPN and natural plant protein that are rapidly rumen degradable

TMR 20

  • 35% sugar to provide the rumen with rapidly fermentable carbohydrates
  • 20% NPN and natural plant protein that are rapidly rumen degradable

TMR 30

  • 34% sugar to provide the rumen with rapidly fermentable carbohydrates
  • 30% NPN and natural plant protein that are rapidly rumen degradable

Sweet Ferm

  • 21% sugar to provide the rumen with rapidly fermentable carbohydrates
  • 8% natural plant protein that is rapidly rumen degradable

Frequently Asked Questions

A. Research suggests that feeding 5.0% total dietary sugar, on a DM basis, will increase milk yield, milk fat and protein (Broderick and Radloff, 2004; DeVries and Gill, 2012)

A. All sugar is eventually digested down to glucose, which is utilized by the animal. When sugar is added to the diet, it brings in additional rapidly fermentable carbohydrates while typically replacing starch. If a cow consumes too much starch, it will result in a decrease in rumen pH, leading to digestive disturbance and the animal to go off feed. Sugar is a safer alternative to starch, however, like starch there is an optimum inclusion level that sugar can be fed before performance is hindered.

Support Information

  • DeVries, T. J. and R. M. Gill. 2012. Adding liquid feed to a total mixed ration reduces feed sorting behavior and improves productivity of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95:2648-2655.
  • Broderick, G. A. and W. J. Radloff. 2004. Effect of molasses supplementation on the production of lactating dairy cows fed diets based on alfalfa and corn silage. J. Dairy Sci. 87: 2997-3009.


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