
Molasses can provide benefits to transition cows

Abstract Summary: The University of Guelph observed increases in both feeding frequency and feeding consistency when adding molasses to dairy cow diets during the dry period, especially in the week leading up to calving. Increased intake and feed efficiency are key players in preventing post-calving metabolic diseases. Citation:  DeVries, T. and others [...]


Effect of a Molasses-based Liquid Supplement on Gastrointestinal Tract Barrier Function, Inflammation, and Performance of Newly Received Feedlot Cattle Before and After a Transport Stress

Abstract Summary: "Stress from weaning, feed restriction, transportation, and gastrointestinal acidosis can cause inflammation and intestinal damage, resulting in decreased absorptive capacity and immune defense capability. Gastrointestinal inflammation has a significant catabolic cost and causes nutritional resources to be directed away from anabolic processes. Molasses-based liquid supplements have the potential to [...]


A Review Regarding the Use of Molasses in Animal Nutrition

Abstract: "In the past fifty years, agriculture, and particularly livestock production, has become more resource-intensive, with negative implications regarding world environmental status. Currently, the circular economy 3R principles (to reduce, reuse and recycle materials) can offer many opportunities for the agri-food industry to become more resource-efficient. The closed-loop agri-food supply chain [...]


Nitrogen Fertilization For Corn

Nitrogen Within Plants Nitrogen is a significant component of several important plant and animal metabolic functions making it one of the basic building blocks for all living things.  It plays a vital role in protein synthesis, photosynthesis, DNA, and many other important life functions.  Nitrogen is found in the backbone of [...]


Flies in Cattle Production

As we transition from spring to summer, everyone (cow/calf, stocker, feedlot, and dairy producers) must develop a fly control plan for their operation.  Historically, the economic loss from flies alone is approximately $3.5 billion from reductions in animal performance.  Losses can be minimized by using simple management strategies that can help [...]

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